Maximize the Value of Your Sleep
Learn about the stages of sleep

The SomniResonance® SR1 sleep device is a precision medical instrument. It is a small, non-invasive, lightweight, battery-powered device that delivers a weak pulsing electromagnetic signal to induce sleep.
By mimicking the standard frequency patterns of the brain in the process of falling asleep, the SomniResonance® SR1 gently encourages the brain to fall asleep.
More on Stages of Sleep
A normal sleep pattern entails cycling through five stages. The first four stages are referred to as Non-Rapid Eye Movement (NREM) sleep. The fifth stage is known as Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During a normal sleep cycle, people pass through all five stages. A complete sleep cycle typically lasts between 80 to 120 minutes then starts over.➀
During Stage 3, our brain produces extremely slow waves with occasional bursts of faster brain wave activity. As we enter Stage 4, our brains produce extremely slow waves almost exclusively. These stages are known as “Deep Sleep” or “Delta Sleep”. The largest percentage of Deep Sleep comes in the early part of the total night’s sleep pattern and accounts for only 1/5 – 1/4 of the total, in the under 45 age group. Deep Sleep percentages typically decline with age, with light and REM sleep times increasing.
Stage 1
In this stage you drift in and out of very light sleep and are easily awakened. Muscle activity declines and the eyes move very slowly. It’s during this stage that many people experience the sensation of falling and a sudden involuntary jerk.
Stage 2
As we move into Stage 2, our eyes stop moving and our brain waves slow down.
Stages 3 and 4 Delta Sleep
During Stage 3, our brain produces extremely slow waves with occasional bursts of faster brain wave activity. As we enter Stage 4, our brains produce extremely slow waves almost exclusively. These stages are known as “Deep Sleep” or “Delta Sleep”. When someone is in Delta Sleep there is no eye movement and reduced muscle activity. It is very difficult to waken someone from Delta Sleep. It is during these stages our bodies emit growth hormones and work on repairing physical damage done during the day.
Stage 5 REM Sleep
In Stage 5 of sleep, our brain wave patterns rise to levels similar to those when we are awake. Our heart rate increases and our blood pressure rises. Our breathing is irregular and shallow and becomes more rapid. Our limb muscles are temporarily paralyzed and our eyes jerk rapidly (hence the name REM). It is during REM sleep that most dreams occur. During this period your brain is busy organizing the information gathered during the day. Information accrued is moved into areas of long term memory and areas of the brain used for learning and recall.➁
SomniResonance can help you to cycle through the normal stages of sleep by providing you with the SomniResonance® SR1 sleep device.
The SomniResonance® SR1 sleep device is a precision medical instrument. It is a small, non-invasive, lightweight, battery-powered device that delivers a weak pulsing electromagnetic signal to induce sleep. As described above, the human brain naturally generates specific electromagnetic frequency patterns that reflect the patient’s state of consciousness. The process of falling asleep, staying asleep, dreaming and awakening generate their own specific pattern.
When an individual experiences difficulty falling or staying asleep, usually that means the normal frequency patterns of the brain are altered. By mimicking the normal frequency patterns of the brain in the process of falling asleep, the SomniResonance® SR1 gently encourages the brain to fall asleep. The beauty of this technology is that there is no limit to the use of the device per sleep period. If your sleep is interrupted, you can simply reactivate the device and the process of falling asleep starts over again. There are no known side effects from the use of this device other than lucid dreams.➂